This weekend was the Western Conservative Summit and once again, my services were called upon to create caricatures of some of the speakers.
The first caricature I was asked to do was a new Hugh Hewitt caricature, something that would highlight his new role as a guest professor at Colorado Christian University. This was a huge challenge for me. Last year’s Hugh Hewitt caricature I completely nailed, probably one of my best ever, so how on earth do I top that? It’s a momentous challenge–redo your masterpiece from last year, but make it different.
The first thing I tried to do was make him a little older. I tried to get the most up-to-date photos of him. I emphasized the lines in his face, I modified the shape of his head, I changed his hair a little. The second tactic I tried was to change his pose. I shifted him to the right and turned his head slightly. Finally, I changed the background from being a very bright orangey color to being CCU blue.
Of course, as a professor, I had to give him a blazer with elbow patches, and wearing the CCU tee shirt underneath. CCU students occupy the foreground, watching and learning in rapt attention.
I glued myself to my chair and I labored over it for a day and a half before I finished with this, and once again, Hugh Hewitt’s mug proved to be very fortuitous for me.