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Another Illustration from the Book (caution, spoilers!)

Another illustration from the book is finished and I originally wasn’t going to show it because it kind of gives away what happens near the end of “The Time Club.” However… (spoilers below, scroll down at your own risk!)












Some context. This some of the characters get thrown into a prison. The beautiful part of also being the illustrator is that I can imply elements into the illustration that I don’t necessarily have to, or should, write in the story itself.

In this case, I came up with the idea , what if I drew the cube as if it were the impossible cube, which is an optical illusion that is fairly popular. There is so much distortion of time and space in this little time prison, that this seemed like a pretty cool thing to experiment with.

And so I did. A little text from the story to accompany the following illustration:

“This room bends time,” the Professor instructed them. “It’s maddening. Look at that tree in the corner.” With that, Caleb and Mattie turned to see a small sapling of a tree growing out of a round, stone base.

“Wait,” Caleb asked, “Has that tree always been there?”

“Who knows?” the Professor answered. “That’s the problem with this place. It’s always changing, always shifting.”

Caleb looked around again. Was it his imagination, or did the stone suddenly look much, much older. The tree that was once a sapling, was now much larger, but bent over, twisted and old. Dried leaves moved across the stone floor by some unknown breeze, and then in an instant, they were gone again. The stone looked new, and the tree no longer existed. The room was changing all around them, instantly and constantly.

Anyway, just some more samplers from my YA novel. I will have to put it on hold for now, as I am slammed with other work. But let me know what you think. Leave a comment, like, or shout out.

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