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Benjamin’s December Daily Drawlings

To piggy-back on what my school, Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design is spearheading, I decided to come up with my own prompt list to go along with the challenge. The idea is to get back into the discipline of drawing every day. We cannot create from a vacuum, and so the more we draw, especially from observation, the more we can store into our memory storehouses for later creative purposes.

Why I Created This List

I’ve always wanted to make a prompt list. Prompts are sort of like the flint that starts the fires of creativity, and I always thought it would be so much fun to be a part of that fire-making process. Besides, I fancy myself an amateur copywriter, so this gives me the ability to showcase some of that.

But primarily, I teach. And in doing so, I noticed some deficiencies, not just in my students’ practice, but in my own as well. This list is designed to focus on that, but adding some fun elements as well. Plus, I tied in the holiday season, because, why not?

I Invite You To Follow Along

I know RMCAD Illustration Department is putting together a hashtag for this event, but if you choose to use one of my prompts, I encourage you to use the hashtag: #benjaminsdecemberdrawlings. As I’m able, I’ll post my drawings with little tutorials, as I go along.

It Starts With the Hand

For this, and all other prompts, the key is to try and make quick observations. If you can work from life, the best. If not, a photo will suffice. Try to mix up a combination of gesture, contour, and detailed drawings and sketches. Plan to spend anywhere from 30 min to 2 hours, depending on your busy schedule.

Benjamin Hummel's December Drawling prompt list
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